Wednesday 9 April 2014

Treat eczema with apple vinegar

How to Treat Eczema with Apple Cider Vinegar

Still looking for the answer on how to treat eczema naturally?  You may want to take a good look at apple cider vinegar (ACV) as it may just be the eczema treatment that you’ve been looking for.
Using ACV as a “medicine” is certainly not a new phenomenon.  In fact, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used ACV in 400 BC as a natural remedy for detox cleansing, energizing, and overall healing.  Later in 1958, Dr. D.C. Jarvis touted apple cider vinegar’s amazing curative abilities in his published book, Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health. So what makes this golden vinegar so potent, especially for eczema?

Properties of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermentation of fresh ripe apples, in which sugar in apple cider broken down by bacteria and yeast.  ACV contains a myriad of essential vitamins and minerals including, pectin, beta-carotene, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, sulphur, and iron.  ACV also contains lactic, acetic, and malic acids, giving it powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Why apple cider vinegar is a good treatment for eczema
Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for eczema because of its immune boosting abilities due to the host of vitamins and minerals it contains.   Strengthening the immune system is one of the cornerstones to healing eczema.  Beta-carotene is a particularly important antioxidant which helps to improve the skin’s cell renewal process, firmness and overall skin health.  Potassium is important for alleviating the effects of allergies
The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are especially beneficial for combating dry skin and skin infections, relieving the skin from inflammation, itchiness, and dryness.
Apple cider vinegar may also provide indirect benefits by promoting regularity and improving digestion and elimination.  Pectin, the fiber in the vinegar helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.  It also helps the body maintain a healthy natural weight by breaking down fats.
Alternative medicine suggests that apple cider vinegar helps to restore a healthy alkaline/acid balance.  The theory behind alkaline/acid balance is our blood is slightly alkaline, with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45. Our diet should reflect this pH level and be slightly alkaline.  A body too acidic may manifest illness and disorders, including eczema.

Using apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for eczema

You can receive the benefits of apple cider vinegar internally and externally.  To use ACV to treat eczema, do the following:
  • Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, Dilute 1 Tbsp of ACV in 16 oz. of tepid water.  You can add a little honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses for taste.  If you absolutely can’t stand the taste of three large doses a day, you can add a tsp of ACV to your drinking water throughout the day.  Drinking with water is best, but another option is to add ACV to a fresh fruit or veggie juice.
  • Add 2 cups of ACV to warm (not hot) bathwater and soak for 15-30 minutes, following up with a cold rinse in the shower for one minute.  You can take these baths 3-4 times a week for best results.
  • For immediate relief from itching and dryness, make a well diluted mixture of ACV and water, mixing 1 Tbsp to a half cup of water. Apply the mixture to the affected areas several times daily.
  • If you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, create a diluted apple cider vinegar rinse and apply it on the scalp.  Leave the solution on the scalp for at least 30 minutes before rinsing from your hair.
Other tips…
  • If you are using an apple cider vinegar solution on a child, make the mixture more diluted to prevent a burning or stinging sensation.
  • Always use unfiltered and unpasteurized ACV.  This vinegar will appear to be dark and cloudy, with sediment at the bottom of the bottle.  You can easily found this type of ACV at health food stores, online, and some grocery stores.


  1. Hi there!!
    Another common remedy is grape seed extract. The reason this can help prevent the recurring itchy skin is because it contains anti-oxidants that help to stop the allergic response that your skin is having. Anti-oxidants help fight free radicals and remove toxins from the blood stream. There are many different supplements that contain high levels of anti-oxidants which may be beneficial for treating eczema.Read more at-natural treatment eczema

  2. Dear Admin,
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    Natural treatment eczema
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